Enlightenment | 2021

A self portrait series; for a school project I set out to photograph the journey to enlightenment. As someone on this journey myself, this project came really close to my heart.

Phase one; disillusionment

When we become dissatisfied with the world around us after learning how false and selfish it is, we enter our first phase of enlightenment. This first phase is often after we fail to find happiness in work, money or relationships; we reach our breaking point. The bliss always seems to be just over the horizon and never quite where we are now.

Phase two; renunciation

We begin to look at our lives, and ask ourselves what contributes to our happiness, or more important, what doesn't. If we are sensible we give up those things that don't contribute to our happiness, or even leave us unhappy. Renunciation doesn't end, in a way we are always in this phase. We are always looking into that mirror to find what makes us unhappy.

Phase three; initial awakening

And then it happens, the glorious moment when enlightenment strikes. For some it arises at an unexpected time, when facing danger or tragedy. For others it arises in a slow and orderly manner, in response to hard work and dedication to spiritual practices. Everything suddenly makes sense, and it's like we see the world anew. Some may describe it as the day they realised they loved life again.

Phase four; practicing awakening

However, that initial enlightenment doesn't last, and when we come down from it we may feel like we're back to square one. But we aren't, though we might feel as clueless and unsure again as before, we have a great deal of knowledge that we carry with us now. Spiritual awakening isn't something that we just are, it is something to practice.

Phase five; crystallisation

The feeling of enlightenment is something that fluidly slips in & out of our lives. It's tricky to control, but without its ups and downs our heart also wouldn't beat. It is part of living, quite literally. But with regular practice, using every moment to refine our consciousness, this fluid begins to harden and turns into a crystal. This crystal will remain strong, constant & reliable no matter what it's put through.


Dark side of flowers | 2021


Bangladesh | 2018